Art on the Clothing
The art on this clothing is ancient Hindu art of Rangoli in bright colors (Pattern R8) as part of our ‘Ethnic Art Collection’ which honors various ethnic forms of art from around the world. The art on this clothing is ‘Rangoli’, which is an art form that originated in the Indian subcontinent, in which patterns are created on the floor or a tabletop using materials such as powdered limestone, red ochre, dry rice flour, colored sand, quartz powder, flower petals, and colored rocks. It is an everyday practice in Hindu households, however more colorful, detailed and elaborate Rangoli art is created during Diwali or Tihar, Onam, Pongal, Sankranthi and other Hindu festivals. Designs are passed from one generation to the next, keeping both the art form and the tradition alive. Rangoli is known by different names in different regions and cultures of the Indian subcontinent. Rangoli represents happiness, positivity and liveliness of a household, and is intended to welcome Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and good luck. So here’s wishing you a lot of happiness, prosperity and love! Now, with "H" Symbol shining on you my friend, go spread happiness, prosperity and love and change the world :)
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