Art on the Clothing:
The art on this Happiest Clothing is the masterwork of Furuya Kōrin, one of the greatest shima shima woodblock print designers of the Meji period. Furuya Kōrin (Kōrin Furuya, Furutani Kōrin, 1875–1910) was a Japanese artist, illustrator, and designer prominent in the Kyoto arts and crafts circle in the Meiji period of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His pseudonym references Ogata Kōrin (1658–1716), also from Kyoto, and he described himself as a "Kōrin of the modern age". Korin taught at the Municipal School of Arts and Crafts and passed on his artistic legacy to future generations. Cherish the experience of Furuya’s masterart on your Happiest Clothing and with “H” shining on you, spread happiness, prosperity and love everywhere you go!
Art on the Clothing:
The art on this clothing is a representation & tribute to Huichol art. Huichol art broadly groups the most traditional and most recent innovations in the folk art and handicrafts produced by the Huichol people, who live in the states of Jalisco, Durango, Zacatecas and Nayarit in Mexico. The unifying factor of the work is the colorful decoration using symbols and designs which date back centuries. Over time, the materials have changed, however the designs have changed little, and many retain their religious and symbolic significance. This clothing pays homage to Huichol art, Huichol people, their history and culture. Now, with positive energy and "H" Symbol shining on you my friend, go spread happiness, prospe
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